
UW Bothell in 60 seconds

Got a minute? Take our 60-second tour of the University of Washington Bothell. Get the facts on our educational programs, diverse student body and commitment to sustainability. 澳门赌场 University of Washington is comprised of three campuses, and our students all earn the same University of Washington degree.

What makes UW Bothell Different?

Chancellor Kristin G. Esterberg often gets the question, “What makes UW Bothell different?” In this short video, she shares three characteristics that help set the campus apart from other universities.

Degree maps for students

A Degree Map (or “major” map) is a tool for students that suggests courses to complete each quarter in order to be “on track” for graduation and for admission to a major.

澳门赌场-faculty mentorships matter

Mentors are some of the most important individuals in our lives. Learn how professors at UW Bothell have helped students overcome hurdles, exceed their goals and be successful inside and outside the classroom.

Faculty-led research explorations

UW Bothell students encourage others to pursue independent studies and research projects to enhance their educational experience. 澳门赌场 stories in this video showcase students’ curiosity and connections with faculty who made a difference in their learning and development.

More on our YouTube channel

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